How to register a company in the Netherlands

If you want to start doing business you need to know how to register a company in the Netherlands. The company ‘set-up your Dutch company’ has a lot of experience with foreign business owners and recommends a BV structured legal form of your company. The bv structure comes with many advantages, for example there are almost no requirements for starting a BV. They only requirement is to have a registered Dutch address for your BV. To achieve this, you can contact the company we’ve mentioned above. They are able to help you gaining a Netherlands company formation with a registered office at their business centre. It will only cost you 90,- a month.
Documents needed for the Netherlands company formation
The company needs only a few documents for registering your company in the Netherlands;
– from individual director(s) and shareholder(s) they need a copy of the passport, proof of the living address no older than two months (even a gas- or electricity bill is allowed as evidence) and the marital status.
– if the director(s) and shareholder(s) are companies, they need from each company an original extract from the foreign Trade register. If the director is not mentioned in the document, you need to provide a legal opinion from a notary in your country, stating who the director is. Also you need a UBO declaration and a copy of the deed of incorporation.
If you like to know more about the services of the set-up your Dutch company team or need more information, don’t hesitate to contact them in the way you prefer.